Sunday, February 25, 2007

How to Maximize PAHUD's Potential to Make You $$$!!!

Updates abound today!

First off, I deleted a few of my old posts. They gave me bad memories and I want to stay positive as I move forward.

I just finished updating my profile. Amongst other things I added a pic of my daughter and I. It is not the best pic but is the only one I have on my computer of us both from any time in the last couple months. It was taken on Christmas at my parents house. How sexy am I anyway?

For those of you that did not read last nights post….do yourself a favor and check it out. Pretty funny stuff.


PAHUD=friggin wicked awesome…if used properly. For the first several months I had it I just used the four numbers that were part of the standard layout. Then I realized I wasn’t using anywhere near it’s full potential. So I got to work and now my tables look like this:

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Before we run through what all the numbers mean, let’s talk a bit about the layout.

You’ll notice that there are groups of numbers that are color coded to each other. I ditched the standard color scheme where the numbers change color depending on what the value was. For example, a VPIP of 10 may have been red while a VPIP of 50 changed to green. My colors never change. I like having numbers that are tied together by the same color. It makes for quick recognition of what stats are what which is handy when multi tabling.

I had to make three separate layouts. If you have never used your PAHUD layout manager, go there now (open PAHUD, click on options, then layout manager) so you can more easily understand what I am about to explain. In PAHUD’s world the top center player is always in seat one. This seat required its own numbers layout since it is unique from all the other seats. Seats two and six are virtually identical with only slight changes to the right column on seat two because the numbers were smushed together when I copied the layout (Click on edit, then duplicate player seat. Select the seat you want to copy then the seats you want to copy it to.). Seats five and three are 100% the same. Seat four is where I sit, and I have the option to see my stats turned off. I did copy the format from seats two and six on to seat four for when I observe tables.

Another thing I did was reduce the decimal point on all numbers to one (make sure the stat you have currently selected has only one decimal point then click edit and global copy decimal font.).

I turned off the “snap to grid” option under options because it made it more difficult to get the numbers where I want them.

So what do the numbers mean and why did I choose the ones I did?

Lets do this by color.

Orange: VPIP and PFR%. You better know what these mean…if not, try canasta.

Green: Bet Flop %, Bet Turn %, Bet River %. I used to use the aggression frequency stats but find these more useful since they display more or less the same thing but in a number that makes sense to me. If they bet the flop 10 out of 20 times, that is 50%. Easy like Sunday Morning.

Gold: Fold BB to Steal %, Fold SB to Steal %, Attempt to Steal Blinds %. Great info to know who calls your button raises and how often. If their fold BB to steal percentage is 19%. You know they are calling your steal attempts with garbage. Good info to have for certain. It is also nice to know who is stealing and how often so you can give them less/more credit for a button raise.

Blue: Fold to Flop Bet %, Fold to Turn Bet %, Fold to River Bet %. This is great for knowing how often or for how long a player will chase or hang on to a hand like 2nd pair. It tells you if they can lay down a hand and on what street they do.

Pink: Call C-Bet %, Raise C-Bet %, Fold C-Bet %. This is great info, in conjunction with check raise %, for deciding who you can and should c-bet and when.

Army Green: Fold to Flop Raise %. This is a great tool for helping to handle the preflop limp caller that leads out on the flop. Use this number in conjunction with bet flop % to determine if the guy has anything or is trying to take the pot with TPWK, 2nd pair, a draw, or nothing.

Lt Blue: Call Preflop Raise %. How often does a guy limp call or call a 3-bet? If this number is high but their VPIP is low, you can count on them having good hole cards. If their VPIP is high, you can bet they are calling raises with marginal holdings.

Yellow: Check Raise (PT). This is Poker Trackers check raise percentage figure. This number is great to use on its own and to combine with other stats to decide if a guy is slow playing, bluffing, or has a good hand.

Lt Pink: Total Hands.

That is a ton of info! I love having it all though as I think it helps me a ton when making decisions on the fly.

I also configured my popup stats (edit, configure popup stats) to have info in them that is not on my layout. The most important numbers I have on there are Went to Showdown %, Won Showdown %, and Won Showdown % When Raising Turn, and Won Showdown % When Raising River. I do not have these on my layout because room was tight and because I only use them when at a showdown. They are still quite helpful.

I also have Fold to River Raise % and the breakdown for Check Raise % on each street.

The main thing is to be able to use the numbers together and be able to put them in to context. If a guy that has a VPIP of 70%, bets the river 100% of the time, and wins at showdown 4% of the time over 1000 hands then shoves on a board of A89TJ with 4 hearts and you have AA with no heart….that is not an auto call! The numbers are there to help but ultimately you are responsible for making good reads and solid plays. PAHUD will help you do that but you cannot rely on it to make every decision for you.

The PAHUD website has a lot of info on what all the numbers mean as well as instructions on how to use the layout manager. Go there for more info.

Doing all of the layouts took me well over an hour by the time it was arranged perfectly (I am super anal about shit like that). It was well worth the time though. Please give this some thought and effort as I am convinced it can help you become a bigger winner.

******Edit: If you are having problems seeing the pic of my PAHUD screenshot, PM me on CR (jeff218) with your email addy or email me at and I can send you the pic in its full size glory. Also, I should have prefaced the post with the fact I play on UB. I have no experience using PAHUD anywhere else but have seen it used on FT and Stars. Of course the formatting would be different for those sites.

And one more thing I forgot to mention in my post: I FINALLY GOT MY RAKE BACK PAYMENT!!!!!! Degan was super helpful and assured me a delay will not happen again. I am very happy with their service even though it took two weeks to straighten things all out. I feel confident that moving forward there will be no more problems with Rake Aid. If you do not have rake back, wtf is holding you up? Go to and signup. And use Jeff218 as your referal dammit! If you are already on UB and do not have it you can have multiple accounts (up to 4) there with your same name (not user name but real name) and address. If you have any questions about rake back on UB you can drop me a line and I will try and help.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blog readers, please meet Maxi Mounds...

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another gem of a night!!!

I am too lazy to retype my nights recap so here is a copy of my seemingly nightly PM to fruitypro as I ask for his help to get me back on track:

More misery...

First of all, the totals: Down $900 since 2/6. In the 15 days since then that I have played I am up only 6 of them. Today is my low point with a 3 buy loss in about 2 hours of play (and that includes the one table I won $215 on). My session winning % for the month is well under 40%.

I lost big pots on the following hands:

Hand 1: I had TT, villain JJ. He raises preflop and I 3 bet in pos., he calls. Flop comes 8 high rainbow. He checks and I c-bet. He shoves for about $40 more. He is 78/30 and is as bad as anybody I have ever seen. I call.

Hand 2: I have QQ, CO (no reads) has KTs, and BB (55/22) has AA. CO limps preflop, I raise in pos, BB 3 bets me min, CO calls, I 4 bet. BB shoves for $24 more, CO shoves for about $7 on top of that. I thought and thought and thought and decided to call because the pot was too big to walk away from.

Hand 3: I have KK, villain QQ....all in on the flop for a $300 pot. Turn: Q, River: Q

Hand 4: I have KK, villain QQ....all in on the flop for a $300 pot. Flop had a Q.

I did misplay a hand this afternoon with JT that cost me about $60. I knew I should not have done it the second I made the move.

Just as last night I stayed quite calm. I am not upset at all. I am not beating myself up and have taken it in stride. I am very impressed and super happy with how I am carrying myself and with my mental state right now. It is awesome that I am proving to myself that I can control my emotions and thought processes.

I am, however, quite worried about my run. At this point my confidence is shot to shit. My roll is only $1800 (rakeaid, where the fuck is my money????????). I feel like I have played very well the last two days over all. I have had a few slips but that is what sperates the amatures from the pros, right? I know my mistakes, have reviewed them and am working on fixing them. But mostly I feel kinda lost. I am going through the motions but something is missing. I am not sure what to do here. I guess I will keep at it and pray to God that I can get back to being at least a break even player before I have to move down. As it is I should not really be playing $100nl with only 18 buys. I would not be if I did not have $1300 in rakeback coming as soon as rakeaid gets their shit in order. But one more 3 buy down swing and I am back at the $50 tables...yuck.

So my break was a bit shorter than I expected...

Yesterday blew.

I found myself in need of some cash and had to RAPE my roll for $1250. God that sucks. So in addition to the 7 buy down swing I pulled another 12+ buys out. IF I COULD EVER GET MY FN RAKEBACK MONEY FROM RAKEAID this would all be replaced. Wish me luck on that deal.

In light of this I logged on last night and went back to it. I decided to play two tables and really work on being more aggressive, especially in position. I also concentrated on making good reads and not calling off chips. I was killing the game for about $300 in less than two hours. Of course, then the bottom fell out...

I had AK on an TJQ rainbow flop lose to 64s. I will repeat that: AK on an TJQ rainbow flop lost to 64s!!! I was on the cutoff and had the button and SB call my preflop raise. On the flop we all checked. Should I bet there? I DID have THE nuts for Christ's sake. The turn put a second diamond on the board (can you see this coming?). SB checks, I bet about 60% of the pot, button folds, SB calls. River comes jack of diamonds. Of course I am not at all worried about the flush but QJ is a concern. I cannot remember how it all happened on the river but the moral of the story is that we each got about $30 into the pot. He had 64 of diamonds. Ugh...

KK went down to QTo when the turn put 4 hearts on the board. We got all-in on the flop which may have been a mistake. He was a fast and loose player and I figured he had a big heart. I was right. He just hit.

I also had KK vs AA where I flopped a set. Unfortunatly he did as well. Kiss another $150 good bye.

Over all I played well but had to deal with some of the same old shit. I am proud of myself for maintaining my cool and not getting to down in the dumps. I look forward to my session tonight as well as a lot of hands tomorrow and Friday since the bosses will be out of the office!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Time Off, It Does a Body Good!!!

After reviewing the last few sessions (and with some hand advice from Fruitypro) I have established a few things:

1. I am fucking nuts.
2. I am way overplaying TPTK and big pp's.
3. I am trying waaaaaaayyyyyy to hard.
4. Did I mention I am crazy?

It is foolish to be all upset like I have been. First off it isn't like I am down that much (about $550). As I stated before, it is that I have trouble handling defeats of any kind. I hate losing at anything no matter how small. So when I lose at poker it feels doubley (did I just make a word up?) bad because not only am I losing money, I am losing...period.

As I said way back in my first blog post, I keep this running journal for two reasons. The first is that I hope to help people through my experiences. The second, and quite frankly, more important reason is that it is super helpful to me to put my thoughts down on "paper." This is a sort of therapy to me. Once I get the shit out of me, it is gone forever. I told you I'm nuts.

So the moral of the story is that I am not playing until Thursday. Three days of videos (poker with a bit of porn sprinkled in I imagine...) and relaxation. I have totally ignored my PS2 lately and I think she's lonely. I have played some Guitar Hero 2 but want to get some quality SOCOM: Combined Assult time in this week.

A vacation, not a bad idea at all...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Do yourself a favor, don't read this...

Before I get started I need to apologize to the CR board members that are interested in my proposed study group. In a moment you will see the major reason why I have not been on the board or had time to orgainze the group as promised.

I must preface what I am about to post by explaining something about my personality: I am neurotic and obsessive compulsive. When I am runnining really well I put a lot of my extra time into poker. I have trouble walking away from the opportunity to make money. On the flip side, when I run poor....I put every ounce of my time, energy, and mental power into the game I am growing to fucking hate. I have played more in the last 7 days than in the 15 before. In those 7 days I have posted winners in only 1 (for $82, yippie skippy). On Sunday I had a point where I lost on 10 of 13 tables I had played. IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? Over that span my session winning % was UNDER 40. UNDER 40 FREAKING %.

I know, I know, we have all had this happen many times over......but this time it is killing me mentally. I am litteraly running myself into the ground. I took Saturday off and slept 14 hours and even that did not help.

The last straw was tonight. I ran well late Sunday and got about $200 back from the $400 I was down. I logged off early and went to bed on a good note. I played a 30 person MTT this afternoon and took 2nd. I started out great tonight and was up about $150 in 30 minutes when it started AGAIN. Here are the only 4 pots I lost over $30 tonight:

Hand 1:


Hand 3:

Hand 4:

Am I doing something wrong? Should I have I pitched the kings? Was I wrong to check the QQ on the turn (I thought he had an over pair after the flat call of my three bet and of the $25 I bet on the flop). Did I mention that the hand after the QQ vs AK hand I had 88 and flopped a set vs AA? Too bad I only had $35 cause I did not get a chance to rebuy? God I hate poker...

And now, for my pleasure, and your pain, I will post about 425 coolers that nobody will read. Why? Because it is better than punching shit...

Hand 5:
Can I possibly muck this???

Hand 6:
Nothing I could do here...

Hand 7:
This makes me want to puke.

Hand 8:
This I maybe shoulda pitched? God, I don't know...

Hand 9:
Once again, what can I do different here?

Hand 10:
Villain is 78/16 and will shove with ANY pair EVERY time.

Hand 11:
Against the same player as hand 10.

Hand 12:
tbittles strikes again...

Hand 13:
This one really hurt. I was up for the night and had logged off all my other tables. I meant to log off this one as well but forgot to unclick autopost. Then I get this hand....what a way to finish.

Over this span I am running 16/13 (unulually tight for me) for two reasons:
1. I am not seeing shit for cards.
2. I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to play only the best hands in position in order to avoid the raping that I am taking.

Now you wanna hear the sick part? I am up $140 over the last 7 days while playing at home (which is where I got all these hands from) . Over that same time frame my roll is down $600...600+140=740 (for all you math majors out there). I am down $740 while at work! I will post 10 or 15 more hands from there tomorrow. Why? No idea...

I know this will turn around. The only question is will I figure out a way to chill the fuck out before it does? I have only really tilted three times through this:
1. I was at work and simply logged off.
2. After I lost hand 5 I threw a table across my basement (really) then logged off.
3. After hand 2 tonight, I logged off and tried my best not to break shit.

At this point I am not sure where to turn. I cannot bring myself to take time off. When I am not playing I am obsessing about playing which is evern worse. God, I need help...


So after I posted this and let my dogs out I was calmed down and decided to fire up two tables for 45 minutes before bed. I was up about $100 in 30 minutes....and ended up down $40. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE????????????????????????????????????????????

By the way, I need a new calculator, I dropped mine and it broke...

Sunday, February 4, 2007

I'm All Grow'd Up...

I hate the NFL. I hate Rex Grossman. I hate the fact that I am the ONLY person on the planet that wasn’t looking at Marvin Harrison’s feet and was instead looking at the ball moving around in his hands THE WHOLE FN TIME!!!! HE DIDN’T MAKE THE GODDAMN CATCH, WHO CARES IF HIS FEET WERE DOWN!!!!!! I hate that Cedric Benson got hurt so early. I hate that we did not use any of the momentum that we had early in the game. I hate that everybody loves Peyton Manning so fricking much. I hate that I didn’t bet more on the under but loaded up on the Bears.

I have been a Bears fan as long as I remember. I am over the top nuts about them. When Walter Payton died, may God rest his soul, my dad called me to see if I had heard. When I answered the phone I was already so torn up I couldn’t talk. He had my mom come over from work to check on me because they were so worried. I was 20. I am that kind of a fan. Scary, huh?

I lived and died with each miscue. I wanted to puke when Rex fumbled a snap. I did puke when he did it again. This was undoubtedly one of the 5 worst days of my life. Really.

But you know what I really hate?

I REALLY hated looking at my 7 month old daughter, Ava, dressed up in her Bears cheerleading outfit sitting on my wife Amber’s lap. I hated seeing Amber wearing my 3 sizes too big #54 jersey because I asked her to. I hated looking down at my Walter Payton jersey that Amber gave me for my wedding gift (told you I am nuts). I hated it because I was so busy feeling so bad about something so small when I was surrounded by people so important to me.

Then something happened. I stopped hating. I realized that while today sucked worse than getting teamed up with the fat kid for piggyback races in gym class, it was still ok.

It is amazing that it took me 27 years, but it finally happened. Poker has grown me up, seriously. I have learned that when bad shit happens (you called me with WHAT????) you have to get over it in order for good shit to happen.

So this weeks lesson? Tilt, both in poker and in life, will get you nowhere. Quit feeling sorry for yourself, dry your tears, and get back to work. Without a "can do" attitude you will fail at everything. And poker is the least of it!

Did I mention I hate Rex Grossman?